

Maintaining a Healthy Work-Life Balance as a Healthcare Traveler

When you relocate for work, it's easy to let your job take over your entire life. As a healthcare traveler, it is essential to prioritize maintaining a healthy balance between work and leisure to avoid burnout. A lack of work-life balance can result in errors at the workplace and increased emotional or physical stress. Here are some valuable tips for achieving a work-life balance as a travel healthcare professional.

Maintaining a Healthy Work-Life Balance as a Healthcare Traveler

Lifestyle Travel Guides

When you relocate for work, it's easy to let your job take over your entire life. As a healthcare traveler, it is essential to prioritize maintaining a healthy balance between work and leisure to avoid burnout. A lack of work-life balance can result in errors at the workplace and increased emotional or physical stress. Here are some valuable tips for achieving a work-life balance as a travel healthcare professional.

Embark On A New Adventure This New Year Through Travel Healthcare

If you're feeling stuck or in need of a fresh start, taking your career on the road might just be the answer you've been looking for. Life can throw us curveballs, whether it's a difficult breakup or family issues, but the opportunity to embark on new adventures every 13 weeks can bring a sense of excitement and rejuvenation. Not only can you explore new places and make memories, but you can also do what makes you truly happy. With contracts available across the country, you have the freedom to choose when and where you want to start over.

Embark On A New Adventure This New Year Through Travel Healthcare

Lifestyle Travel Guides

If you're feeling stuck or in need of a fresh start, taking your career on the road might just be the answer you've been looking for. Life can throw us curveballs, whether it's a difficult breakup or family issues, but the opportunity to embark on new adventures every 13 weeks can bring a sense of excitement and rejuvenation. Not only can you explore new places and make memories, but you can also do what makes you truly happy. With contracts available across the country, you have the freedom to choose when and where you want to start over.

What is a Traveling Therapist: The Ultimate Guide for Beginners

Traveling therapists are physical, occupational, speech, and respiratory therapists that earn full-time pay and benefits on temporary contracts at healthcare facilities and schools across the U.S.  Travel therapists typically partner with a recruiter who learns their preferences and matches them to jobs, helping them work as long or as often as they want.

What is a Traveling Therapist: The Ultimate Guide for Beginners

Speech Language Pathology, Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy

Traveling therapists are physical, occupational, speech, and respiratory therapists that earn full-time pay and benefits on temporary contracts at healthcare facilities and schools across the U.S. Travel therapists typically partner with a recruiter who learns their preferences and matches them to jobs, helping them work as long or as often as they want.

4 Signs You Need A New Travel Healthcare Recruiter

No matter what travel therapy or allied agency you work for, it's crucial that you work with a healthcare recruiter who truly understands you. Your recruiter is the point of contact for almost anything, you can ask questions about your contract, get help with benefits or timesheets, vent to them after a particularly rough shift, and so much more. Working with a recruiter whose personality meshes well with yours is an integral key to having a successful travel career. You need a recruiter who takes the time to get to know you, your job goals, personalizes your job search, and connects you with assignments in facilities and locations that are based on your wants or needs. These are 5 signs that you may need to switch healthcare recruiters: 

4 Signs You Need A New Travel Healthcare Recruiter

How-To Travel Guides

No matter what travel therapy or allied agency you work for, it's crucial that you work with a healthcare recruiter who truly understands you. Your recruiter is the point of contact for almost anything, you can ask questions about your contract, get help with benefits or timesheets, vent to them after a particularly rough shift, and so much more. Working with a recruiter whose personality meshes well with yours is an integral key to having a successful travel career. You need a recruiter who takes the time to get to know you, your job goals, personalizes your job search, and connects you with assignments in facilities and locations that are based on your wants or needs. These are 5 signs that you may need to switch healthcare recruiters:

How To Be A Bookworm While On The Road

When you’re moving every few months on assignment, you already know that you have to make some sacrifices while packing. If you’re like one of the many bookworms who just can’t get into e-readers, picking the few books you bring on assignment can be difficult, time consuming, and cumbersome to pack or carry. So, we’ve got an idea for you. A free and easy way to enjoy discovering new books without packing them is by using local Little Free Libraries! These birdhouse-like structures are in neighborhoods across the country and function as a neighborhood book exchange where you can take a book that interests you and either return it when you finish or replace it with your own book. Little FreeLibraries help you keep your To Be Read list rotating (for free), while letting you meet your neighbors, and (maybe) even get some exercise in!  

How To Be A Bookworm While On The Road

Lifestyle Travel Guides

When you’re moving every few months on assignment, you already know that you have to make some sacrifices while packing. If you’re like one of the many bookworms who just can’t get into e-readers, picking the few books you bring on assignment can be difficult, time consuming, and cumbersome to pack or carry. So, we’ve got an idea for you. A free and easy way to enjoy discovering new books without packing them is by using local Little Free Libraries! These birdhouse-like structures are in neighborhoods across the country and function as a neighborhood book exchange where you can take a book that interests you and either return it when you finish or replace it with your own book. Little FreeLibraries help you keep your “To Be Read” list rotating (for free), while letting you meet your neighbors, and (maybe) even get some exercise in!