

How to focus on self improvement while on the road

How to focus on self improvement while on the road

Scout out a place to exercise, whether that be a bus stop, park or sturdy tree.

Travel therapists move around the country with much more regularity than other workers – that means they often don’t have the time to sign up for gym memberships or purchase equipment to exercise with at home. Similarly, those who travel frequently can’t lug around a library to help keep their mind sharp. Self improvement is often a struggle for anyone who spends a lot of time at work, but these circumstances can make it even more difficult. Keep reading to learn how you can focus on self-improvement while on the road:

Staying fit on the road

Whether you’re flying from one destination to the next or you load up your RV to travel to your next travel assignment, exercising regularly can be hard to fit into your schedule.

Steve Kamb, author of the blog Nerd Fitness, explained how he stayed fit while on a three-month journey through Australia, New Zealand and Asia – it all begins with commitment. If you can truly commit to staying active on the road, you’ll begin to notice all kinds of opportunities to snag a little exercise time. For example, whenever Steve would arrive at a new location, he’d scout out a place to exercise, whether that be a bus stop, park or sturdy tree. At a bus stop, you could do a few elevated crunches on the bench, at a park you can perform a quick set of pullups on the monkey bars, and you can do some hanging knee tucks from a low tree branch.

The key is to let go of those feelings of self-consciousness. Focus on your commitment to getting healthier and get exercising! If you’re stuck at the airport, Women’s Fitness Magazine suggested doing a quick circuit of jumping jacks, lunges, squats and planks – that’s a full body workout before you even board the plane.

Keeping your mind active

When you’re on the road frequently, it can be easy to get bored and crave new ways to challenge and improve your mind. Audiobooks and podcasts are your friends, especially when driving or flying. Before you leave home, load up your device (or your car) with audiobooks by your favorite authors, TED Talk recordings or historic documentaries. Or, if you prefer to read, you can fit hundreds of books onto an e-reader and catch-up on the plane or at the next rest stop – you’ll never run out of entertainment or learning opportunities.

Travel itself can be one of the best learning opportunities. Once you’ve settled into your new contract, use the weekend to explore your new city and learn about its past. Local museums, art galleries and public events are perfect for expanding your mind. Going out to these activities with your coworkers is a great way to form relationships and make new friends.

Meditation is another way to keep your mind clear and stress free. Plus, you can do it just about anywhere! You don’t need to sit in the lotus position and clear your mind to meditate. Just close your eyes and focus on your breathing for a few minutes. You might be surprised at much better you feel afterwards.

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