

Meet Erica: A Traveling Therapist with a Sense of Adventure and a Commitment to Occupational Therapy

Erica in Barcelona

A few weeks ago while in between assignments, Erica joined her best-friend and flew to Barcelona for a 10-day cruise through the Mediteranian before continuing on a solo journey through Indonesia and London for four more weeks. After such an incredible trip, we were thrilled when Erica shared some of her most memorable moments with us. But first, a little background on one of our favorite therapists..

Erica has been a nanny her entire adult life and had consistantly sought out positions that not only required her skill set, but allowed her the flexability to be on the road and to continue her education. Erica has always wanted to travel. In fact, she needs to travel. So, finding a career that not only allowed her to travel the country, but required it was right up her alley.

Erica completed her Master’s of Science Degree in Occupational Therapy and after a lot of hard work, graduated in 2016 ready to hit the road as a travel therapist.

Not long after graduation, Erica partnered with National Recruiter Ada Colon-Asumu and accepted her first-ever assignment as a traveling therapist; and she hasn’t stopped yet! Not only is Erica well-loved and respected by the co-workers and supervisors she’s left behind at each of her assignments, but she’s found the new relationships she’s formed in each location to be extremely rewarding.

Now, go ahead. Live vicariously through Erica like we do.

10 Day Cruise to Five Countries

Meet Erica: A Traveling Therapist with a Sense of Adventure and a Commitment to Occupational Therapy

Even though Erica enjoys traveling abroad, she also loves the adventures she’s been able to take across the U.S. in her 2010 Jeep Wrangler as a traveling therapist. Whenever she’s on assignment, Erica loves taking off on the weekends to explore new areas nearby and has really enjoyed meeting other travelers from different industries. 

Yoga Retreat in Bali, Indonesia

Meet Erica: A Traveling Therapist with a Sense of Adventure and a Commitment to Occupational Therapy

Tropical Paradise

While in Bali, Erica took a boat ride over to the Gili Islands where she spent the next four days diving and watching movies on the beach. The island does not allow motorized vehicles so long distances and heavy equiptment are transported by house drawn carriage.

Meet Erica: A Traveling Therapist with a Sense of Adventure and a Commitment to Occupational Therapy

Meet Erica: A Traveling Therapist with a Sense of Adventure and a Commitment to Occupational Therapy

Back in California

Just last weekend, Erica was surprised by a childhood friend who happened to be living in San Francisco at the same time, so they decided to bike across the Golden Gate Bridge together. After their adventure across San Francisco Bay, they ended the day with fresh crab at a local wharf. Erica admits that it’s not always easy being a traveling therapist, but since she gets to take adventures “all the time” and often times with different people, it’s all worth it.

Thank you for sharing your story with us, Erica. You inspire us.

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