

Improve spatial awareness in kids with games

Advice for New Grads

Soccer is one the best games to improve spatial awareness. If you can properly parallel park or merge with traffic as you drive downtown, you can thank your strong spatial awareness skills for that. The ability to visualize math problems and see buildings in your mind’s eye can all be attributed to spatial awareness. It’s an ability we learn as children that we can strengthen with different exercises. While kids don’t have to worry about driving just yet, developing a strong spatial awareness is critical to their growth. Recent research has suggested that this ability is integral for doing well in math and science. According to ILS Learning Corner, there are social benefits as well. Kids with spatial awareness are able to better interact with others than those who don’t, as they’re able to determine the proper distance to stand from other kids. Games are a perfect way to get them

What do you want to accomplish in 2017?

Lifestyle Travel Guides

Here are the best ways to tackle your resolutions list. When it comes to New Year’s resolutions, we can get a little nutty. We want to run more! And spend more quality time with our family! And volunteer more! All by next week! The prospect of making so many changes is daunting – and perhaps, as a result, harder to maintain. However, there are ways to help achieve your New Year’s goals. Whatever your resolutions are, here are some tips on how to keep your new year going strong. Want to go to the gym more? Plan for obstacles You know the feeling: You’re excited to start going to gym every day – but then work or family beckons.

Physical therapists: Making strength training fun for kids

Physical Therapy

Physical therapists: Kids games for strength training Getting therapy patients to stay on track with their strength training regimen can be a challenge. Even adults sometimes forget to do their exercises at home or simply get too busy with other tasks. Children, on the other hand, may become downhearted, bored or upset when they have to adjust to a new training schedule. Whatever the reason for their participation in physical therapy, children often need a little extra coaxing to fully participate. That’s where games can make a huge difference. By making training fun, kids will be more interested and engaged with their new routine. Here are a few amusing games to try out with your younger patients:

Stay fit over the holidays with these exercises

Lifestyle Travel Guides

Here are top exercises to stay fit this holiday season. The holidays wreak havoc on schedules. That can make it hard to fit in a cardio session or some time on your yoga mat. And that also disrupts our sleeping patterns and our ability to battle stress – and those are just as important to stay healthy during this time of year. Check out the ways you can stay fit over the holidays: Break a sweat We know that squeezing in time for a workout is a great way to stay fit over the holidays. Sometimes there just isn’t enough time in the day! Make time for a cardio session by working out in the morning.

3 occupational therapy crafts for fine motor skills

Occupational Therapy

These crafts are effective tools as part of a therapy regimen. Developing fine motor skills is important for growing children as well as adults who have experienced trauma such as a motor vehicle accident or internal injury. Whether patients are learning these skills for the first time or relearning them later in life, there are several ways to make the process easier and more enjoyable. These crafts are interesting, stimulating and, above all, effective tools as part of a therapy regimen. Check them out below: 1. Miniature sandbox letters This craft helps with pre-writing skills and can help to strengthen control over the muscle of the hand and wrist. It was recommended by 4K teacher Abby Linwood, writing for the University of Wisconsin.