

Your Guide to Landing Your First Travel Therapy Assignment in 2025

How-To Travel Guides

Landing your first travel therapy assignment is a milestone that blends excitement, opportunity, and the promise of adventure. As we step into 2025, it’s the perfect time to embrace this new chapter in your career. Whether you’re freshly graduated or ready to trade the routine of a permanent role for the freedom of travel, this guide will walk you through the process of starting your journey with confidence, clarity, and a sense of purpose.

How To Be A Bookworm While On The Road

Lifestyle Travel Guides

When you’re moving every few months on assignment, you already know that you have to make some sacrifices while packing. If you’re like one of the many bookworms who just can’t get into e-readers, picking the few books you bring on assignment can be difficult, time consuming, and cumbersome to pack or carry. So, we’ve got an idea for you. A free and easy way to enjoy discovering new books without packing them is by using local Little Free Libraries! These birdhouse-like structures are in neighborhoods across the country and function as a neighborhood book exchange where you can take a book that interests you and either return it when you finish or replace it with your own book. Little FreeLibraries help you keep your “To Be Read” list rotating (for free), while letting you meet your neighbors, and (maybe) even get some exercise in!

Can You Complete Your Clinical Fellowship Year on the Road?

Speech Language Pathology

While in school completing your Speech Language Pathology certifications, you likely heard of your ability to travel the country, make memories, and see sights you've dreamed of through travel therapy. Did you know that you can travel while completing your Clinical Fellowship Year? There are many benefits to working in travel therapy as an SLP-CF! Make memories on the road while growing your career in a way you can't with a permanent staff position. Read on to learn why you should consider traveling at this stage in your career:

What Happens After Your Travel Healthcare Contract Is Signed?

How-To Travel Guides

Whether you just got your first offer or you're looking to learn more about the travel healthcare process, you may be wondering what happens after you sign your first travel contract. This process may look slightly different from agency to agency, but you can expect something along these lines before you start every travel assignment. Here's a quick rundown of the process and what you can expect after you sign your travel healthcare contract:

Make the Most of Weekends as a Traveling Healthcare Pro

Lifestyle Travel Guides

Planning a weekend trip while on a travel healthcare contract can be a rewarding wat yo explore new places and unwind from the demands of your job. As a healthcare professional constantly on the move, making the most of your limited free time requires strategic planning. From selecting the perfect destination to organizing your itinerary for maximum relaxation and adventure, this guide will help you expertly craft a weekend getaway that rejuvenates your spirit and broadens your horizons. Whether you're looking to immerse yourself in nature, dive into local culture, or simply find a peaceful retreat, these tips will ensure your brief escape is both memorable and revitalizing.