

A Quick Review on 3 Strengthening Regimens

Physical Therapy

A Quick Review on 3 Strengthening Regimens Recently I was reviewing a care plan I had on a patient, when I

The End of an Assignment, A Year in Review

Physical Therapy

The End of an Assignment, A Year in Review Tomorrow, Friday, March 23, 2012, marks the end of my rotation in

Get to Know Your Patients

Occupational Therapy

Making a Point to Get to Know Your Patients – Jason M., Occupational Therapist In therapy, an in medicine in general,

Wheelchair Adjustments 5

Occupational Therapy

Wheelchair Adjustments, Small Changes for Big Improvements Series: Part 5-Low Cost Backrest Options Jason M., Occupational Therapist Part 5 – Low Cost

Parkinson’s disease

Physical Therapy

Move BIG for Parkinson’s disease and other Neurological Disorders In a previous article, I had presented an abstract of a research